Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The slap bet

Today, we got our business midterms back.

Before we got the tests back, Fred hedged his grade by making a slap-bet with me, going as follows:
If he gets a lower grade than Lisa, he gets to slap me.
Otherwise, I get to slap him.

Ricky, the slapbet commissioner, ordered this to be a one anytime-slap-with-commissioner-presence.

Given historical data and assuming it is a good predictor, the risk vs return seemed to be favourable to me. Hence, I accepted the bet.

It turned out to be qutie close, with Fred's grade slightly higher, meaning I have the upper hand (pun non-intended). However, there are still a bit or remarks to be done.

Tune-in for the final result. If I do win, expect a slap-date countdown on the right toolbar of this blog.


1 comment:

  1. HAH! by putting up a countdown timer you take away the suspense that would otherwise haunt me day and night!
    Now i can just expect the time to get slapped. Jokes on you!


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